Obituary by APACE

(Jerry Zhu et al.)

On April 16, 2019, the Chemical Ecology field lost one pioneer and the Asia-Pacific Association of Chemical Ecologists (APACE) lost our society founder and our first president, Prof. Kenji Mori (森謙治). Prof. Mori passed away after battling against bile duct cancer in Tokyo, Japan.


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Asia-Pacific Association
​of Chemical Ecologists

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc mult. Wittko Francke (a Giant and Legend in chemical ecology) passed away

On Dec. 29, 2020, we lost a legend

in the Chemical Ecology field and

the former president of ISCE,

Prof. Dr. Wittko Francke.

He passed away due to the

infection of COVID 19

in Hamburg, Germany.

Obituary by his colleague and a close friend,

Dr. Chris Meier.

Obituary by ISCE

(Park, Baker, and Zhu)

Professor Kyung-Saeng Boo was one of the founding members of the Asia-Pacific Association of Chemical Ecologists (APACE) and was APACE 4th president from 2005 to 2007. He was instrumental along with other founders to establish the APACE in 1997 immediately after the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Entomology in Taichung, Taiwan. As a result of these pioneering efforts, chemical ecology has continued to grow and flourish in the Asia-Pacific region.

  Prof. Boo is now resting in peace. It is our job to keep his spirit alive and continue to perform inspiring research so that the wonderful world of insect chemical communication can be enjoyed from generation to generation.

see the original article (ISCE Newsletter 2020 Issue 2)